Friday, May 25, 2012

24 and 25 May

So last two days have been pretty hectic w/ family so going to combine and dont have any pics.

Breakfast 24th - two eggs and cheese w/ coffee
Lunch - Chili w/ brisket
Dinner - Stuffed sqaush with ground beef

Breakfast 25th - Missed it
Lunch - Burger w/ egg and a salad
Dinner -

2L of H20 each day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Breakfast: I was in a hurry today so only had a cup of coffee before I worked followed by a 40 gram SFH protein shake made with 2% milk. Needed a little more than just water to hold me over.

Lunch: My wife and I had lunch at an Asian Buffet we like, pretty clean and no MSG. So had some chicken, shrimp, beef and a salad, and a small plate of Kim Chee. 

Snack: Today was date afternoon so we shared a some popcorn and a soda at the movies. 

Dinner: Rib eye steak, crab legs, and artichoke, with some watermelon for desert. Really wanted a glass of wine but felt since had a popcorn did not want to go overboard. 

H20 - Drank 1.5 L of H20 and a diet coke at the movies.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22

2 Chicken legs
3 egg omelet w/ veges
3 piece of thick bacon
Fajitas Beef and chicken
Had some tortilla chips/tortilla/ 1 beer = FAIL
Thai Chicken w/coconut milk and salad
Mango Sorbet

1 Glass of Bourbon
1 Ice Cream shared w/ wife and daughter

2L of H20

Not a great day food wise, usually don't usually have problems staying clean on pretraining night, hopefully will not be sucking tomorrow on the deadlifts!

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21

So today stomach was a bit off all day after morning WOD. Got better as day progressed, and was fine by night, think fluids and electrolytes were off.
Coffee w/ cream and splenda

Sweet Potato Shake
1 SP
1 Banana
2 TB of Coconut Butter
2 Scoop of Whey
2 cup H20

Teriyaki Chicken w/ Veges
Was @ Mall and starving this was best I could find, had some oats in it but not a lot, mostly nuts and dates.

Chicken Breast BBQ
Big Salad
Fresh Tomato w/ Mozzarella slice and basil from the garden

Drank about 2L of H20 throughout the day

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday 20May

So I tried to keep a food log for two weeks and I keep FKN it up so I figured this would be easiest way to do it. Take a picture and describe what I ate and how it felt. So here we go.
So I cannot figure out how to get this pic straight, will work on that, anyway these are two almond flour crust pizzas. We usually do pizza once a week and after discussing it with Coach it seemed that the big player in decreased performance is gluten products. So I am trying to keep the cheat meal gluten free, I had 1/4 of the mozzarella and basil pizza and a glass of red wine. Then we had a baked apple for desert which had a small amount of brown sugar and butter on it. Sorry no pic.
Tomorrow is a demanding workout scheduled so I hope to see a better result then my usual workout after a cheat meal.
So these are the supplements I take on a daily basis.
1) Creatine 5 GM 
   2) Fish Oil 3 Gm

1) Multi Vitamin
2) Glucosamine + MSM 1500mg/1500mg
3) Fish Oil 3 GM